Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hand Embroidery Glass dollar border design | Border design tutorial


  1. Hello, I discovered your designs on Pinterest and followed the link to You Tube and subscribed right away. You have created some gorgeous embroideries. I was taught basic outline embroidery by my Grandmothers and just in the past couple of years have gotten "serious" about my stitching. I have fallen for surface embroidery and learning how to use the huge variety of stitches that are actually used. It has been such a marvelous eye opening experience that just continues to expand in every way especially fun and joy! I would love to try some of your beautiful designs and follow your blog, but I have not discovered these options. Is there a way to get copies or do you prefer not to share them. I will begin watching your videos and it may have the information available there, which just now occurred to me. I would love to hear from you. Thank you for sharing your talent brendunderscoreatyahoodotcom

  2. Amo seus bordados. descobri no yYouTub.
